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“Bake your bread on that!” Unintentionally funny bible excerpts

“From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.” Kings 2:23-24

“Refresh me with apples, sustain me with raisin cakes, For I am lovesick.” Songs 2:4

“No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the LORD.” Deuteronomy 23:2 [note from Marc: the process described is also known as being “deutered”]

“Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewes, Which have come up from their washing, All of which bear twins, And not one among them has lost her young.” Song of Solomon 4:2

“Very well,” he replied, “I allow you cow’s dung in place of human excrement; bake your bread on that.” Ezekiel 4:12-15